• Generational_B


Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout with Vanilla + Coffee + Coconut

Side Project x Half Acre
(Blend 2) Generational

Each year we keep in touch with Cory and team @SideProjectBrew. We send beer their way, they send beer ours. We see them at one place or another and be sure to touch base on where our breweries are heading. Together, we’ve had collaborative beer in barrels for the last six+ years. Generational Blend 1 and now, Blend 2, have been a thread of appreciation that connects our brewery to theirs.

Side Project brings to life very heavy barrel beer. They build total scale of experience as tastefully as anyone. Like pouring barbells into your mouth, they create a weight in flavor and content that’s tough to calculate. Hosting them and keeping this series aloft makes us grateful to be making beer in 2024.

Both recipe and brewhouse program set a different course than much of our work, while Willett barrels underpin hallmark qualities of chocolate-char, light tobacco and cherry. And then in descending treatment: Madagascar Vanilla; wonderful @SumpCoffee from St. Louis; and hand-toasted coconut. Altogether, it’s vanilla paved morning java stout with towering, classic qualities that make barrel details the real pursuit. Smelting barbells, it’s big, level-up barrel beer and we’re looking forward to sharing it.