The World Cup
This year we’re showing every World Cup game that starts at or after 8am in our tap room on Balmoral. We’ll play the games with the sound on and serve coffee and pastries until our kitchen opens (on days that our kitchen opens).
Plus, if you email (hello@halfacrebeer.com) your bracket to us before the opening ceremony on Thursday, we’ll buy you a pint when you watch your first game with us. When it’s all over, we’ll draw 3 brackets with the highest points to win specialty Half Acre swag.
Find all the games we’re showing here. Let’s get into this.
Brackets available below if you don’t have one.
Bracket Point System
5 points for each winner of round 1610 points for each quarter final winner20 points for each semi final winner50 points for champion
We’ll tally total points and award 3 prizes, in the case of a tie, we’ll draw from a hat.
Please note, if you are not able to pick up your raffle winnings we can ship it to you at the cost of shipping.