Double Daisy Cutter
Double Daisy Cutter swings in for its quarterly moment in the light. This is the only beer that we brew on this schedule. All our other beers have annual, seasonal, single or random jaunts through the brewhouse. This quarterly tick serves as a metronome in our brewery. Double Daisy is the imperialized sibling of our perennial pale ale that’s erected from eight thousand seven hundred twenty eight pounds of malted barley, milled and reborn as hot sugar water, dosed with one hundred and eighty five pounds of hops in the kettle, moved to cellar, topped with two hundred and ninety six pounds of hops in the fermentor and inundated with carbon dioxide.
Dank and layered with tropics and pine, Double Daisy rips.
Don’t forget to vote, this one’s no joke.
release date: 11/422oz bomber: $9.99 (limit 6 per person) 32oz howler refill: $11 (limit 64oz per person) 64oz growler refill: $20 (limit 64oz per person) 16oz pour: $7